There are many ways to get involved. Help us to keep our gardens beautiful and growing!
We are grateful for interest in and support of Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County in Jefferson, Iowa! In order for the Gardens to continue to be green and growing as a major attraction to our community, we need your help.
We have two areas of need - volunteers to assist with our various programs and donors to assist with the financial needs of the gardens.
If you'd like to pledge an ongoing gift, please contact us to set up an electronic funds transfer.
Pledge an ongoing gift as a sustaining member. An easy way to do that is through an electronic funds transfer you can set up through your bank with the same amount each month.
Send a gift right now, any amount helps, to the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County, 201 E. Lincoln Way, Jefferson, IA 50129.
Make a legacy gift to the Gardens. A legacy gift is a planned future donation to a charity, given through a will or other form of designation. It is a decision that each person makes in their own financial planning process, taking into account their charitable wishes and values.
Memorial gifts provide a lasting way to honor your loved ones.
Annuity interest, farmland, required minimum distribution from your retirement account, and gifts of grain all make unusual but beneficial gifts to the Gardens and the giver. (Check with your financial advisor.)
We THANK YOU for whatever support you provide to the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County! Please contact us if we can provide any additional information.
*While all of these donations may be tax-deductible, the endowment fund qualifies for special tax credits through the Endow Iowa program. More information on that option is available from our board members.