Concert and Food Trucks at TJG The popular local Town and Country band will be the feature of the second concert of the summer series to be hosted by Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County on Friday, June 17. An added highlight of this evening will be the food trucks parked outside the gardens. The […]
Sunday, April 24 at 4 pm Spring Music & Teagarden SaluteHonoring Wallace Teagarden, Guest Speaker Tom PolkingGavin Vander Linden reciting the preambleMusical performances by High School students Saturday, May 28 at 3 pm Local MusiciansMichael Dowd & Von Ketelsen Friday, June 17 Food & Music Night4 pm Food Truck6 pm Town & Country Band Saturday, […]
Thomas Jefferson Gardens Plant Sale Gardeners all! It’s time for the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County’s Annual Plant Sale the first week of May. Annuals, vegetables, and some perennials will be available. Dates and times for the sale are Thursday, May 5 from 4 to 6 pm; Friday, May 6 from 9 am to […]
How to Germinate Plant Seeds for the Garden Seeds must “germinate” for gardens to exist. But what makes a seed germinate? There are a few key things that make seeds sprout successfully, but if you ignore them, you may have poor germination. Robin’s latest post helps us understand how seeds germinate. Instead of buying starter plants, […]