Who doesn’t love hummingbirds? Learn how to make homemade hummingbird food and attract hummingbirds to your garden.
Help these hard workers get a proper meal: nectar! Make your own nectar in just a few steps; it’s far less expensive than buying pre-made and the ingredients are readily available.
Hummingbird Food Recipe
To make hummingbird nectar, use a 1:4 ratio of sugar to water. You’ll need the following:
After boiling the water (an electric kettle comes in handy here), pour the water into the measuring cup and mix in the sugar. Stir the mix occasionally to ensure that the sugar dissolves entirely.
Allow the nectar to cool to room temperature or below, then fill your feeders. That’s it!
Try to refrain from making more nectar than you need, as it won’t store for more than a couple days in the refrigerator.
This is a simple way to keep hummingbird food on hand and very easy to make. You do not need to add red food coloring to the mixture . So cook some up and enjoy watching them come to your feeders!
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201 East Lincoln Way
Jefferson, Iowa 50129
The Thomas Jefferson Gardens bring to life the prairies that welcomed Lewis and Clark explorers and early settlers, heritage plants from Monticello, farming practices of Thomas Jefferson’s time, outdoor musical instruments to experience, a children’s garden, and so much more.