There is one garden task that is rather fun for this time of the year… fall planning! Start dreaming about what changes you’ll make this autumn – which plants to move around or new plants to buy. Fall is a good time to plant different perennials, so give it some thought! It is hard to believe it is now August after we waited so long for Spring to arrive. I am posting some fall helps for you. |
Group Tours
Bell Tower Festival
Plant Sale
Live Music
Regular events
at the gardens
Gardens are always open
Welcome Center:
10:00 - 4:00 PM Daily
Weekends: May - October
10:00 - 4:00
201 East Lincoln Way
Jefferson, Iowa 50129
The Thomas Jefferson Gardens bring to life the prairies that welcomed Lewis and Clark explorers and early settlers, heritage plants from Monticello, farming practices of Thomas Jefferson’s time, outdoor musical instruments to experience, a children’s garden, and so much more.