Welcome to the new Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County’s website and Blog! Let me introduce myself. Some of you know me as “The Plant Doctor”! My name is Jean Walker and I am the head gardener at Thomas Jefferson Gardens in Jefferson, Ia. I have loved gardening since I was little and learned pretty much all I know from my Grandparents. I used to work alongside my grandfather and learned all his planting tricks! Like everything you do some things work great and some do not, it is all trial and error. Each week I will be posting gardening tips, pictures from our gardens, and any activities we have coming up. So check back often and check my blog.
If you have any questions about any plants, annuals, perennials, and house plants send me a comment and I will answer them as soon as I can!
Group Tours
Bell Tower Festival
Plant Sale
Live Music
Regular events
at the gardens
Gardens are always open
Welcome Center:
10:00 - 4:00 PM Daily
Weekends: May - October
10:00 - 4:00
201 East Lincoln Way
Jefferson, Iowa 50129
The Thomas Jefferson Gardens bring to life the prairies that welcomed Lewis and Clark explorers and early settlers, heritage plants from Monticello, farming practices of Thomas Jefferson’s time, outdoor musical instruments to experience, a children’s garden, and so much more.